Full Stack Developer, Marketing Web Developer

Remote Full Time job as a Full Stack Developer or Marketing Web Developer.

Skills: Development, DevOps, SEO, Design, Marketing

In 2015 I had started with CMS Joomla on a shared hosting. The easy way... Yeah, right... Easy Peasy.
And now I'm making projects with pure PHP(no CMS or PHP Frameworks), using Node.js based build system for frontend, prefer pure JavaScript on client side and LESS for styles. OSPanel as local server, HestiaCP on Cloud VPS from Hetzner with LAMP stack and NGINX as a reverse proxy for production websites. Not that it’s necessary, but if you start doing something, do it right!
Now I'm piping users through different trackers, sending conversion events to analytics and advertising, getting stats with API from dozens of services, and send push messages to separate users by this data... where's my Joomla...
I could write here a lot of names of living and dead services and technologies, active and not maintained code libs, frameworks and npm packages I've worked with, but I won't do that. There are really a lot of them. I'll better write about this instead.


Since 2015, I had work as a freelancer with different projects, customers and developers from around the world. I do not have similar experience in companies at a full time position.

2018 - frontend developer at online casino development company.

2019 - freelance, remote, own projects.

2019-2020 - Full stack Web/Android developer at traffic arbitration company.

2020, Summer - Build, Rent, and Sell "gray" Apps on Google Play.

2020, Autumn - an unsuccessful attempt to build an arbitration team (not my own) from scratch.

2020-2021 - full stack developer. most of the online processes in a political advertising and political PR company.

2021 - 2 weeks as a SMM proger at online casino. A lot of very smart integrations. All about ads, facebook and sms(Twilio, e.t.c. with API).

2021-2022 - professional burnout.

2022 - FB accounts for advertising, FB advertising integration, cloacks for android apps, html5 games.

2022, Summer - Vue.js Frontender at cryptocurrency exchange website.

2022-2023 - tech lead at affiliate marketing company.

2023-2024 - ASO apps (Android) for gambling.

Personal info:

Marital status: not married.

Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian.

2006-2011 Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding - Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive.
2011-2012 Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding - Department of ship electric power systems.

About me:
Interesting in UX and UI. A fan of dark design, fast interface and pure JavaScript.
I enjoy helping other people in my field of expertise and related fields.
I am also considering vacancies for the position of team lead developer, project manager or something more interesting, for example, an astronaut ;)

What I've done

online-casino-games.world, free-slots-games.online - online casino demo games from popular iGaming providers.
the site is made on a self-written flat file system (a multifunctional framework for my own projects with no database required); 90+ pagespeed rating; PWA; Turbolinks AJAX navigation; contact form notification to Telegram, Viber, Email; Microdata+JSON-LD.

Classic Fuits Slots Android Game, Egyptian Free Slots. Free online slot machines. TypeScript + PixiJS + Cordova.
And html promo website egypt-slots.fun

yahtzee-classic-dice.online - PWA Yahtzee dice game. It's on Google Play. React + Three.js 3D Library.

2048 puzzle game. It's on Google Play. PWA, Vue.js based. Forked from github repo, and changed.

renaissance-artists-art.z3w.site - PWA puzzle game featuring Renaissance artists. It's on Google Play and Huawei AppGallery. Canvas based. Forked from github repo, and changed.

hex-war.z3w.site - kind of a hextris game. PWA. It's on Google Play and Huawei AppGallery. Canvas based. Forked from github repo, and changed.

facebook-posts-search.z3w.site - Search posts by date range in Facebook.

fbtools.shop- simple API site for facebook bots(bots works under Windows OS).
Features (short):
Admin can manually add different type of bots to users. Each user has own unique key, each bot has own expire time and other fields for identification, depending of unique key, and bot activation time. After user adds this key to bot, bot sends a request to api server, where key is checked. If key is valid, than bot is register on a user(if this bot was not registered earlier) and json object returning to bot with an active status and expire time. Otherwise, a json object with an error and a description is returned.
My task was create a site, not a windows bots.

jerusalem-services.city- catalog of services, where users can add their services and reviews.
Hebrew(RTL language). Not the best design:) Most of plugins, extensions and modules was heavy customized. Ability to filter search with working hours. Autocomplete for map places search is limited to Jerusalem only. Lazy image loading, custom js validation, native item image gallery replaced to Lightgallery, etc. Many improvements and fixes.

it-news.space, odessa-news.stream, nikolaev.stream- news parsers from different sites. It's on Google Play.
50 000+ articles each site; 90+ pagespeed rating; white and dark themes; getting videos with Youtube API by cron task; PWA; Android Applications; Turbolinks AJAX navigation; updating all sites from one Git repository with one Gulp task; contact form notification to Telegram, Viber, Email; weather news are parses by cron from another site; written own script for CPA-advertising(type of CPA adverts depending of string in url); Microdata+JSON-LD.

dostavka-lda.odessa.ua- local ice delivery website.
Laravel; 90+ pagespeed rating; PWA, site works offline; Turbolinks AJAX navigation; order form notification to Telegram, Viber, Email; Microdata+JSON-LD; own texts.

idemocracy.world - multilingual website of a non-governmental public organization.

istrategy.pro - multilingual website for a political consulting company.
the site is made on a self-written system (something like a multifunctional framework for my own projects).

avtolombard.ru, lombardmsk.ru, sever-lombard.ru- Moscow pawnshops sites.
Teamwork. Creation of site pages according to basic design. Many improvements and fixes.

girbu.cz, elwas.cz- websites of a companies, performing the whole range of electrical works.

Improvements, bugs/security fixes, minor works:
roossa.ru, jerus.city, zakonpro.ru, lombardrus.ru, bot4sale.ru, sport-laboratory.ru

Old old demo's from 2017:
Open Air in the city,
For Airsoft teams (1234 - for blue, 4321 for red),
Apartment Renovation Services